When Wolf Global’s predecessor firm was founded in 2009, it was to meet the needs of two types of client:
- International private clients with legal matters in the U.S.; and
- Embassies responding to or supporting their citizens in legal matters or consular emergencies.
The embassy crisis management model that was the foundation for the firm has since been used to help clients involved in business and personal affairs worldwide.
Today, Wolf Global has the ability to help governments investigate, remediate and prevent corruption and conduct due diligence investigations of inbound foreign direct investment and in support of outbound investments from sovereign wealth funds.
Capabilities and Resources
Crisis Management
- Response to and management of cases and crises
- Response to investigations, arrests and prosecutions
- Consular emergencies
- Independent investigations of protocol matters
- Corruption investigations
- International investigative due diligence
- Asset investigations & asset tracing
- Anti-corruption consulting
- Anti-corruption consulting
- Law enforcement & interior security consulting
Development of Embassy Crisis Management
In consular emergencies, time is a factor. We developed embassy crisis management, a practice that involves rapid response and effective case management, to improve the handling of cases and to make necessary information available to the relevant departments within the embassy and the stakeholder ministries at home.
Development of an International Students Pilot Project
Cases involving international students are occasionally serious enough to rise to the level embassy or consulate attention. We developed a pilot project to prevent problems, protect students and better respond to incidents.